

mongoc_cursor_t *
mongoc_database_find_collections_with_opts (mongoc_database_t *database,
                                            const bson_t *opts);

Fetches a cursor containing documents, each corresponding to a collection on this database.

To get collection names only, use mongoc_database_get_collection_names_with_opts().


  • database: A mongoc_database_t.
  • opts: Optional bson_t which may contain a subdocument named “filter”, and may contain additional options.


Use mongoc_cursor_error() on the returned cursor to check for errors.


A cursor where each result corresponds to the server’s representation of a collection in this database.

The cursor functions mongoc_cursor_set_limit(), mongoc_cursor_set_batch_size(), and mongoc_cursor_set_max_await_time_ms() have no use on the returned cursor.


   bson_t opts = BSON_INITIALIZER;
   bson_t name_filter;
   const bson_t *doc;
   bson_iter_t iter;
   bson_error_t error;

   BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT_BEGIN (&opts, "filter", &name_filter);
   /* find collections with names like "abbbbc" */
   BSON_APPEND_REGEX (&name_filter, "name", "ab+c", NULL);
   bson_append_document_end (&opts, &name_filter);

   cursor = mongoc_database_find_collections_with_opts (database, &opts);
   while (mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc)) {
      bson_iter_init_find (&iter, doc, "name");
      printf ("found collection: %s\n", bson_iter_utf8 (&iter, NULL));

   if (mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, &error))
      fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error.msg);

   mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);
   bson_destroy (&opts);