

mongoc_client_watch (mongoc_client_t *client,
                     const bson_t *pipeline,
                     const bson_t *opts);

A helper function to create a change stream. It is preferred to call this function over using a raw aggregation to create a change stream.

This function uses the read preference and read concern of the client. If the change stream needs to re-establish connection, the same read preference will be used. This may happen if the change stream encounters a resumable error.


A change stream is only supported with majority read concern.


  • db: A mongoc_client_t specifying the client which the change stream listens to.
  • pipeline: A bson_t representing an aggregation pipeline appended to the change stream. This may be an empty document.
  • opts: A bson_t containing change stream options or NULL.

opts may be NULL or a document consisting of any subset of the following parameters:

  • batchSize An int32 representing number of documents requested to be returned on each call to mongoc_change_stream_next()
  • resumeAfter A Document representing the logical starting point of the change stream. The _id field of any change received from a change stream can be used here.
  • startAtOperationTime A Timestamp. The change stream only provides changes that occurred at or after the specified timestamp. Any command run against the server will return an operation time that can be used here.
  • maxAwaitTimeMS An int64 representing the maximum amount of time a call to mongoc_change_stream_next() will block waiting for data
  • collation A Collation Document


A newly allocated mongoc_change_stream_t which must be freed with mongoc_change_stream_destroy() when no longer in use. The returned mongoc_change_stream_t is never NULL. If there is an error, it can be retrieved with mongoc_change_stream_error_document(), and subsequent calls to mongoc_change_stream_next() will return false.