

mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_kms_providers (
   mongoc_client_encryption_opts_t *opts, const bson_t *kms_providers);


kms_providers is a BSON document containing configuration for each KMS provider. Currently aws, local, azure, gcp, and kmip are supported. At least one must be specified.

The format for “aws” is as follows:

aws: {
   accessKeyId: String,
   secretAccessKey: String

The format for “local” is as follows:

local: {
   key: <96 byte BSON binary of subtype 0> or String /* The master key used to encrypt/decrypt data keys. May be passed as a base64 encoded string. */

The format for “azure” is as follows:

azure: {
   tenantId: String,
   clientId: String,
   clientSecret: String,
   identityPlatformEndpoint: Optional<String> /* Defaults to */

The format for “gcp” is as follows:

gcp: {
   email: String,
   privateKey: byte[] or String, /* May be passed as a base64 encoded string. */
   endpoint: Optional<String> /* Defaults to */

The format for “kmip” is as follows:

kmip: {
   endpoint: String