
Bulk Write Operations


typedef struct _mongoc_bulk_operation_t mongoc_bulk_operation_t;


mongoc_bulk_operation_t provides an abstraction for submitting multiple write operations as a single batch.

After adding all of the write operations to the mongoc_bulk_operation_t, call mongoc_bulk_operation_execute() to execute the operation.


It is only valid to call mongoc_bulk_operation_execute() once. The mongoc_bulk_operation_t must be destroyed afterwards.


If using MongoDB server 8.0+, prefer mongoc_bulkwrite_t over mongoc_bulk_operation_t to reduce network round trips.

mongoc_bulkwrite_t uses the bulkWrite server command introduced in MongoDB server 8.0. bulkWrite command supports insert, update, and delete operations in the same payload. bulkWrite supports use of multiple collection namespaces in the same payload.

mongoc_bulk_operation_t uses the insert, update and delete server commands available in all current MongoDB server versions. Write operations are grouped by type (insert, update, delete) and sent in separate commands. Only one collection may be specified per bulk write.
