

Deprecated since version 1.28.0: This function is deprecated and should not be used in new code.

Please use mongoc_cursor_set_server_id() in new code.


mongoc_cursor_set_hint (mongoc_cursor_t *cursor, uint32_t server_id)
  BSON_GNUC_DEPRECATED_FOR (mongoc_cursor_set_server_id);


  • cursor: A mongoc_cursor_t.

  • server_id: An opaque id identifying the server to use.


Specifies which server to use for the operation. This function has an effect only if called before the find operation is executed.

(The function name includes the old term “hint” for the sake of backward compatibility, but we now call this number a “server id”.)

Use mongoc_cursor_set_hint only for building a language driver that wraps the C Driver. When writing applications in C, leave the server id unset and allow the driver to choose a suitable server from the find operation’s read preference.


Returns true on success. If any arguments are invalid, returns false and logs an error.