Deprecated since version 1.29.0: This function is deprecated and should not be used in new code. Use mongoc_database_command_simple() instead.
mongoc_cursor_t *
mongoc_database_command (mongoc_database_t *database,
mongoc_query_flags_t flags,
uint32_t skip,
uint32_t limit,
uint32_t batch_size,
const bson_t *command,
const bson_t *fields,
const mongoc_read_prefs_t *read_prefs);
This function creates a cursor which will execute the command when mongoc_cursor_next() is called on it. The database’s read preference, read concern, and write concern are not applied to the command, and mongoc_cursor_next() will not check the server response for a write concern error or write concern timeout.
This function is not considered a retryable read operation.
: A mongoc_database_t.flags
: Unused.skip
: Unused.limit
: Unused.batch_size
: Unused.command
: Abson_t
containing the command.fields
: Unused.read_prefs
: An optional mongoc_read_prefs_t. Otherwise, the command uses modeMONGOC_READ_PRIMARY
mongoc_database_command() is deprecated.
The following example uses mongoc_database_command():
const bson_t *reply;
bson_t *cmd = BCON_NEW ("find", "foo", "filter", "{", "}");
mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = mongoc_database_command (db,
MONGOC_QUERY_NONE /* unused */,
0 /* unused */,
0 /* unused */,
0 /* unused */,
NULL /* unused */,
NULL /* read prefs */);
// Expect cursor to return exactly one document for the command reply.
EXPECT (mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &reply));
bson_error_t error;
if (mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, &error)) {
FAIL ("Expected no error, got: %s\n", error.message);
// Expect successful reply to contain "ok": 1
bson_iter_t iter;
EXPECT (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, reply, "ok") && bson_iter_as_int64 (&iter) == 1);
// Expect cursor to return no other documents.
EXPECT (!mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &reply));
mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);
bson_destroy (cmd);
The above code block may be rewritten to use mongoc_database_command_simple() instead, as shown below:
bson_t reply;
bson_error_t error;
bson_t *cmd = BCON_NEW ("find", "foo", "filter", "{", "}");
if (!mongoc_database_command_simple (db, cmd, NULL /* read prefs */, &reply, &error)) {
FAIL ("Expected no error, got: %s\n", error.message);
// Expect successful reply to contain "ok": 1
bson_iter_t iter;
EXPECT (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "ok") && bson_iter_as_int64 (&iter) == 1);
bson_destroy (&reply);
bson_destroy (cmd);
This function returns a newly allocated mongoc_cursor_t that should be freed with mongoc_cursor_destroy() when no longer in use. The returned mongoc_cursor_t is never NULL
, even on error. The user must call mongoc_cursor_next() on the returned mongoc_cursor_t to execute the initial command.
Cursor errors can be checked with mongoc_cursor_error_document(). It always fills out the bson_error_t
if an error occurred, and optionally includes a server reply document if the error occurred server-side.
Failure to handle the result of this function is a programming error.