
MongoDB C driver Logging Abstraction


typedef enum
} mongoc_log_level_t;

#define MONGOC_ERROR(...)    
#define MONGOC_CRITICAL(...) 
#define MONGOC_WARNING(...)  
#define MONGOC_MESSAGE(...)  
#define MONGOC_INFO(...)     
#define MONGOC_DEBUG(...)    

typedef void (*mongoc_log_func_t) (mongoc_log_level_t  log_level,
                                   const char         *log_domain,
                                   const char         *message,
                                   void               *user_data);

void        mongoc_log_set_handler     (mongoc_log_func_t   log_func,
                                        void               *user_data);
void        mongoc_log                 (mongoc_log_level_t  log_level,
                                        const char         *log_domain,
                                        const char         *format,
                                        ...) BSON_GNUC_PRINTF(3, 4);
const char *mongoc_log_level_str       (mongoc_log_level_t log_level);
void        mongoc_log_default_handler (mongoc_log_level_t  log_level,
                                        const char         *log_domain,
                                        const char         *message,
                                        void               *user_data);

The MongoDB C driver comes with an abstraction for logging that you can use in your application, or integrate with an existing logging system.


To make logging a little less painful, various helper macros are provided. See the following example.

#define MONGOC_LOG_DOMAIN "my-custom-domain"

MONGOC_WARNING ("An error occurred: %s", strerror (errno));


If compiling your own copy of the MongoDB C driver, consider configuring with --enable-tracing to enable function tracing and hex dumps of network packets to STDERR and STDOUT during development and debugging.

This is especially useful when debugging what may be going on internally in the driver.

Trace messages can be enabled and disabled by calling mongoc_log_trace_enable() and mongoc_log_trace_disable()

Compiling the driver with --enable-tracing will affect its performance. Disabling tracing with mongoc_log_trace_disable() significantly reduces the overhead, but cannot remove it completely.

Custom Log Handlers

The default log handler prints a timestamp and the log message to stdout, or to stderr for warnings, critical messages, and errors. You can override the handler with mongoc_log_set_handler(). Your handler function is called in a mutex for thread safety.

To restore the default handler:

mongoc_log_set_handler (mongoc_log_default_handler, NULL);

Disable logging

To disable all logging, including warnings, critical messages and errors, you need to provide an empty log handler

mongoc_log_set_handler (NULL, NULL);