

mongoc_structured_log_opts_set_handler (mongoc_structured_log_opts_t *opts,
                                        mongoc_structured_log_func_t log_func,
                                        void *user_data);

Sets the function to be called to handle structured log messages, as a mongoc_structured_log_func_t.

The callback is given a mongoc_structured_log_entry_t as a handle for obtaining additional information about the log message. This entry pointer is only valid during a callback, because it’s a low cost reference to temporary data.

Structured log handlers must be thread-safe if they will be used with mongoc_client_pool_t. Handlers must avoid unbounded recursion, preferably by avoiding the use of any libmongoc client or pool which uses the same handler.

This function always replaces the default log handler from mongoc_structured_log_opts_new(), if it was still set. If the log_func is set to NULL, structured logging will be disabled.
