Building the mongo-c-driver Documentation Pages#

This documentation is rendered using Sphinx. To easily ensure that all tooling matches expected versions, it is recommended to use Poetry to install and run the required tools.


Poetry itself may be installed externally, but can also be automatically managed using the included wrapping scripts for Bash (At tools/ or PowerShell (at tools/poetry.ps1). These scripts can stand in for poetry in any command written below.

Setting Up the Environment#

To install the required tooling, use the poetry install command, enabling documentation dependencies:

$ poetry install --with=docs

This will create a user-local Python virtualenv that contains the necessary tools for building this documentation. The poetry install command only needs to be run when the pyproject.toml file is changed.

Running Sphinx#

Poetry can be used to execute the sphinx-build command:

$ poetry run sphinx-build -b dirhtml "./src/libmongoc/doc" "./_build/docs/html"

This command will generate the HTML documentation in the _build/docs/html subdirectory.


Because Sphinx builds many pages, the build may run quite slowly. For faster builds, it is recommended to use the --jobs command-line option when invoking sphinx-build.

Viewing the Documentation#

To quickly view the rendered HTML pages, a simple local HTTP server can be spawned on the command line by using Python’s built-in http.server module:

$ poetry run python -m http.server --directory=_build/docs/html

By default, this will serve the documentation at, which you can open in any web browser to see the rendered pages.